intellectual property.

you are welcome to look, read, study, and learn. you are welcome to link/share it. you are welcome to quote or rewrite some of my post, but please don't forget to mention me/link my site. But you are not allowed and please don't take any of images (with or without watermark) from this site without my permission.

Rajut dan rajut upload bulan juni

beberapa tumpuk rajutan yang sudah beberapa waktu lalu jadi, dan baru sempet kuangkut ke kios dan (tak lupa juga) difoto..

narsis time!! :P

child hat made with loom

t4 hape

topi bayi stranded

sarung tangan tanpa jari

bulky scarf made with loom

cable hat

cable scarf pake benang mohair

sarung tangan tanpa jari made with loom

Salam Rajut dari Poyeng!!
