intellectual property.

you are welcome to look, read, study, and learn. you are welcome to link/share it. you are welcome to quote or rewrite some of my post, but please don't forget to mention me/link my site. But you are not allowed and please don't take any of images (with or without watermark) from this site without my permission.

Picture : Nongkrong Perajut Yogya bulan Desember 2011

Wokay... saya mengaku telat uplod foto2 nongkrong perajut Yogya bulan Desember kemarin,
baru sempet sekarang!!

kalo boleh beralasan sih : saya sibuk bolak-balik kampus!! (demi oh demi you-know-what lah - skripsi:red)

jadi ini dia beberapa dokumentasi dari acara nongkrong Desember kemarin yang dilaksanakan tanggal 17 Desember.

click Here untuk liat album lengkapnya.

Salam Rajut!

Poyeng, ;)