intellectual property.

you are welcome to look, read, study, and learn. you are welcome to link/share it. you are welcome to quote or rewrite some of my post, but please don't forget to mention me/link my site. But you are not allowed and please don't take any of images (with or without watermark) from this site without my permission.

Poyeng on Media : ikut nyempil di Pengusaha Indonesia

Mungkin lebih tepatnya kalo ownernya yang nyempil narsis disini yah.. :p

Dengan wawancara full dunia maya.. (tanya jawab via email!), Owner dan juga Poyeng berkesempatan nyempil di rubrik Strategi di majalah Pengusaha Indonesia edisi 41/Mei 2013 diantara pengusaha-pengusaha lainnya yang keren dan bikin tambah semangat usaha! :p

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Salam Rajut dari Poyeng! :)